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Winds of Change
Web novel by LtCol[W£]GrinnerWolf


MechWarrior Chronicles

Winds of Change
A proud Khan. A rebellious warrior. Together, they must strive against all odds to ensure the survival of their clan.
A Web novel by A Garang Wolf, copyrighted by AFAR (
©AFAR 2003) (ahfaiz@nstp.com.my). Other copyrighted materials belong to their respective owners.

Due to unrelenting pressure from rival clans, the Ðreaded Legion faces total annihilation. In order to survive, it must adapt to new ways and leave clan space before it is too late. However, the Ðreaded Legion can never trust Inner Sphere surats completely. Thus it must prepare for the day when it needs to draw on its reserve fighting force no one suspects exists - the Wolf's Free£ancers mercenary unit.

Chapter 1: Rebel with a cause

"Wwooolfff!" boomed Star Colonel Drago as he stormed into the sibko debriefing room. Everyone was startled, except of course MechWarrior Wolf. Wolf knew that the Star Colonel had made it a point to observe the day's training exercises, live, via gun camera transmission and was particularly keen on observing Wolf's training cadre. It was just a matter of time before he would make his grand entrance.

Slowly, Wolf stepped down from the briefing room's podium and stood facing Drago. Being a large man of nearly Elemental in height and proportions, the Star Colonel quickly closed the distance between Wolf and himself.

As usual, Wolf, who was rather smallish and short due to the traces of Polynesian descent in his genes, had to tilt his head back to look the Star Colonel in the eyes as the latter drew close and stood barely inches away. Although Wolf was all too familiar with the kind of severe physical thrashing Drago could mete out,  he was determined not to show any fear.

Drago stood staring down at Wolf. He secretly drew pleasure from the gasping sounds made by the cadets in the debriefing room but focused his attention at Wolf.

"What in Kerensky's name did you think you were doing out there?"

"I do not understand what you mean, Star Colonel," replied Wolf in a steady voice.

"You were teaching the cadets to act dishonourably by ganging up on enemy targets unprovoked!" shouted Drago.

"Neg, Star Colonel. I was teaching them how to win," came Wolf's retort.

"That is how the Inner Sphere surats fight. We are Clan! We have honour," Drago countered.

"And survival counts not, Star Colonel?" Wolf asked rhetorically.

"I am not one your cadets, MechWarrior Wolf. And this is not a debate," said Drago, putting added emphasis on Wolf's rank. "You have repeatedly ignored my warnings. I will not tolerate you any further. You are hereby relieved of your training duties. And I will see to it that you are assigned to some backwater solahma unit, which is more than you deserve."

"Neg, Star Colonel," replied Wolf, calmly. "I may be the age of a solahma warrior but I have fought and won more battles than you and the rest of the training staff put together. And I am far from fighting my last battle."

"Oooh! Big talk for an unblooded warrior who is not even fit to hold the rank of Lance Commander," retorted Drago in a churlish way. "Would you like to challenge me to a trial of refusal or would you prefer to kill me in my sleep the way a freebirth Inner Sphere assassin would?"

"I am no coward, Star Colonel," said Wolf with a slight smile. "This is something you will finally learn when I defeat you in a circle of equals."

"Really?" Drago replied with heavy cynicism. "Well, I very much doubt it. In fact, we can settle this here and now." Drago paused for effect and continued, "But I will make it easier on you, Wolf. We shall fight augmented."

"You think to patronise me but, in your arrogance, it is your pride that you want to save," countered Wolf. "If you fight me non-augmented, aff, you will definitely win, but you will do nothing to prove my methods wrong. You have no choice, Star Colonel, but to face me in the field of battle. Underneath your pompous façade, this is the one thing you fear, lest you would have forced me to challenge you to a trial of refusal much, much earlier."

Drago's less than quick reply hinted that Wolf was on the money. "We shall see," was all that Drago could say, after which he turned and left.

As a parting shot, Drago said, "One hour."

When the briefing room door closed behind Drago, a man in non-descript MechWarrior fatigues started clapping loud pops slowly. It was Star Captain Darkstalker.

"Bravo!" he said. "Bravo!" he repeated, not meaning it, of course. "You have been waiting for this opportunity ever since you came on base. You were just itching for a shot at Drago. Now you have it."

Grinning from ear to ear, Wolf asked, "Am I that transparent, Star Captain?"

"Neg, not to everyone," replied Darkstalker. "You may fool other trainers and the cadets under your care. You may even fool Drago, but you do not fool me, and you certainly do not fool Khan Voltage."

"Hee!" laughed Wolf in a self-amused way. "Well, I did not think I had to fool the Khan. Otherwise, I would have tried harder."

Looking at the still stunned cadets, Wolf decided that he needed to ease their concerns.

"Listen, my cadets," Wolf began. "The Star Captain is right. I had been working toward this challenge. No, I did not use all of you simply to further my goal. In fact, what I have taught you all thus far had been the very things that kept me alive and fighting. In fact, thanks to my so-called questionable methods, I managed to bail out our Khan and the good Star Captain over there on more than a few occasions."

"Goodness! Spare us, Wolf," said Darkstalker. "We have heard the stories so many times, already. Once more and you will be the cause of our signing up for suicide missions."

Everyone laughed good humouredly, and when the laughter subsided, Wolf said, "Just one more, please?"

"No!!" everyone shouted in unison and broke into derisive laughter.

Wolf waited a good several seconds and then interjected, raising his voice above the din, "A new era has dawned for the Clans, my fellow warriors! We are born and bred for combat. And we shall fight using weapons and techniques that will maintain us as the superior warriors that we are!"

"Seyla!!" came everyone else's response, strong, resonant and proud.

Half an hour later, Wolf was at the Mech bay doing his inspection rounds. To his disappointment, the Clan technicians were still having problems with the left arm actuator of his Executioner.

Wolf signalled for one of the technicians to come over and Chief Tech Gonzales responded.

"MechWarrior Wolf," said Gonzales in acknowledgement as he neared Wolf.

Wolf nodded in response. There was no need for formal salutes between them, as they have reached a state of mutual respect that goes beyond such superficial formalities.

"You still cannot get it going, quiaff?" asked Wolf

"Aff," Gonzales responded. "The Executioner was not designed to carry an Inner Sphere heavy gauss rifle in the left arm. The recoil is so tremendous that the whole arm keeps fusing at the elbow. Unless you plan to use the rifle as a giant club, your Executioner now comes with one less weapon."

"The Inner Sphere scientists have been successful in fitting a heavy gauss rifle in the left arm," Wolf said with clear annoyance. "Why is it that clan technicians who are far superior to the Inner Sphere surats find it impossible?" asked Wolf angrily.

"I did not say that it is impossible, Wolf. We just need some time to make the necessary modifications," replied Gonzales calmly in spite of Wolf's anger. "And if I might add, time which you refused to give in your excitement to teach the cadets what a Executioner fitted with a heavy gauss rifle can do."

"I am sorry, Gonzales. I did not mean to show anger towards you. It is just that, in half an hour, I have to prove myself to the clan or be banished for the rest of my life," explained Wolf.

"Aff, I heard," replied Gonzales understandingly. "Why do you do it, Wolf? Why do you continually risk your future in all-or-nothing gambles?"

Wolf laughed lightly and said, "Gonzales, you would not understand, at least not fully. And that is why you, my good friend, are a clan technician and I am a MechWarrior."

"Whatever," replied Gonzales. "Unfortunately for you, we cannot complete the repairs to your Executioner in half an hour."

"Damn!" exclaimed Wolf in utter disappointment.

"However, we did manage to finish restoring that Highlander you were so keen on taking out for joyrides," Gonzales added and paused for effect.

"You old dog. You swine!" Wolf shouted and grinned. "You could have told me sooner."

"Haaa! You know me, Wolf. I love to see you Mech jocks squirm," said Gonzales. "Snake!" shouted Gonzales at his next-in-line who was just a few metres away. "Power it up!"

Almost instantly, the low thrum of a Mech reactor engine starting up could be heard. The engine then idled and purred almost like a leopard purring at its cubs.

And several metres above the engine compartment, the Highlander cockpit lights shone brightly through its open cockpit hatch.

Wolf looked up admiring the Highlander the way a juvenile looking at his first hover car would.

"The view is much better from the inside," jibed Gonzales.

"I know," replied Wolf. "I just like admiring Mechs in pristine condition."

"The Highlander is all yours. Go sick it to him," added Gonzales with a touch of laughter.

Grinning from ear to ear, Wolf jogged toward the Highlander. He turned and jogged backwards to face Gonzales and said, "My heartfelt thanks, my old friend. I owe you one."

Wolf then turned towards the Highlander and picked up his running pace.

"You owe me plenty!" Gonzales replied, as Wolf reached the Highlander's right foot and started climbing the Inner Sphere Mech's chain ladder.

Meanwhile, on the sibko proving grounds, Drago waited patiently in the cockpit of his Executioner. Checking his weapons status, he noted with satisfaction that they were all clan in origin: three clan gauss rifles and two extended range particle projection cannons (ERPPCs).

"You old fool," Drago spoke softly, careful not to activate the voice-activating microphone attached to his neuro helmet. "You know so well my ultra-conservative inclinations and mean to use it to further your standing with the Khan. No matter the outcome, you lose," said Drago, half amused by the irony behind the trial of refusal that was about to take place.

A few minutes passed. And then, "Star Colonel Drago," said a voice from the helmet speakers. "Your challenger approaches."

It was Wolf's voice.

"Come Wolf, let us settle this once and for all," said Drago, firmly and with a sense of  added confidence.

"It is sad that this must come to pass," said Wolf.

"Is it, really, Wolf? Somehow, I find it difficult to believe that you did not plan this from the day I made Star Colonel and was placed in charge of cadet training," asserted Drago.

"Perhaps you are right, Star Colonel. But I am saddened nonetheless. You are a fine warrior, but your ultra-conservative methods will lead to the demise of our clan, and I cannot allow that to happen," explained Wolf.

"Likewise Wolf, I believe your methods would lead to the demise of our clan. If you are allowed to continue, the Ðreaded Legion would become the pariahs of Clan space," Drago retorted.

"So, we both knew that this trial of refusal was simply something waiting to happen. It was just a matter of time, quiaff?" Wolf queried.

"Aff," Drago replied curtly and sure.

"Let us not waste anymore time, then," said Wolf as he fired off his Highlander's jump-jets, raising it above the cover of a low hill and triggered all his weapons to score squarely at Drago's Executioner's centre torso.

Large armour plates were shattered by the near instantaneous impact of a bluish heavy gauss slug and a silvery clan gauss slug, and, at the same time, armour melted away from the intense strike of dual clan extended range large lasers (CERLLs).

Drago, however, was prepared. He dealt his own damage against Wolf's Highlander's centre torso. His tripple clan gauss rifle and dual ERPPCs dealt just as much damage.

"You old fool. You think that I can be taken by surprise?" asked Drago with a touch of glee.

"Neg, Star Colonel. I know just how good you are. You would not have made Star Colonel if you were not a highly skilled warrior," replied Wolf.

"Then why take me on in a Highlander?" asked Drago almost sympathetically, and alluding to the fact that the 90 ton highlander was 5 tons short of the Executioner.

"I had, well, technical problems with my Executioner," replied Wolf, as he fired his jump-jets again and triggered all his weapons.

Drago fired off his own jump-jets, lifting off his Executioner sideways, and triggered all his weapons as well.

Unfortunately for Wolf, his aim was less sure this time. His gauss rifles and CERLLs scored Drago's Executioner's left torso, while Drago's aim was dead on.

"Warning!" the Highlander's onboard computer alerted Wolf with its near-pleasing female voice. "Damage critical".

"Looks like this is going to be a quick fight after all," said Drago. "I expected more from you, old man. Punch out now and live."

"Now, what kind of a life would I have if I did that, hmmm?" asked Wolf.

"Better than you deserve," replied Drago.

"Neg," said Wolf while he manoeuvred his critically damaged Highlander behind the protective cover of a nearby hill.

"Hiding will only delay the inevitable," said Drago patronisingly.

"Indeed," responded Wolf, as he checked his heads up display (HUD) for a fix on Drago's location. Firing off his Highlander's jump-jets, he lifted it sideways and above the protective cover of the hill and triggered all his weapons again.

This time, Wolf's aim was sure.

"Warning!" cried Drago's onboard computer with its male, overly-concerned sounding voice. "Damage critical".

Wolf's weapons fire threw off Drago's aim a little. However, while Drago did not score on Wolf's Highlander's centre torso, his return fire had concentrated on the Highlander's right arm, sheering it off at the elbow.

"Need a hand, Wolf?" Drago taunted. "Punch out, old man, and I will give it to you."

"You would love that, quineg? That would really make things easier for you," replied Wolf.

"Huh! Just a few minutes ago, you were acknowledging my skills. Now you make fun of them. Make up your mind, old man," said Drago.

"I have," replied Wolf as he manoeuvred his Highlander into the open. He twisted the Highlander's torso away from Drago's Executioner as Drago fired his Executioner's jump-jets and triggered all its weapons.

The damage to the Highlander was extensive but it was off-centre. Wolf quickly twisted back the Highlander's torso to face Drago's Executioner and returned fire.

Wolf's heavy gauss rilfe and remaining CERLL ploughed deep into the Executioner's centre torso while the Executioner was still airborne, snapping and crumpling endo-steel internal structures, as well as rupturing the Mech's engine shielding. Almost instantly, the Executioner's reactor core exploded with white, eye-piercing lights.

A moment later, the Executioner was nothing more than a hulking frame that crashed lazily to the ground.

Drago did not eject. There was no time.

"Indeed, I have made up my mind, Drago. You are no match for me," Wolf said aloud, with a touch of sadness in his voice.

"MechWarrior Wolf," said a familiarly firm voice over the neuro-helmet speakers. "Report to my chambers."

"At once, my Khan," replied Wolf.

Fifteen minutes later, Wolf appeared by the entrance to Khan Voltage's chambers which doubled as the Khan's ready room. He did not look as though he had been sweating profusely from the heat waste generated by the Highlander's engine, because he had not.

Like the Executioner, the Highlander would run cool most of the time, provided that it was configured with the correct weapons load-out. This made Wolf hesitate a little since he should have been able to change into a more formal looking uniform, but he needed to know what the Khan had to say more than anything else.

Hesitantly, he knocked on the closed door.

"Come!" responded Khan Voltage.

Wolf stepped in and found the Khan with his back turned, looking out the window at the cadets marching on the parade grounds. Gently, Wolf closed the door behind him.

A full minute passed and the Khan still had not acknowledged Wolf.

'This is bad,' Wolf thought to himself. 

Another minute passed. And just as Wolf was about to open his mouth to say something, the Khan spoke.

"This is truly a sad day, Wolf," said Voltage. "I have lost one of my best warriors."

Wolf held his tongue. And he swallowed to moisten his throat which had become unpleasantly dry all of a sudden.

Still with his back turned, Voltage continued, "What am I going to do with you, Wolf?"

Wolf really did not know what to say that. So, he kept silent and stood very still.

"You leave me no choice," said Voltage. "You are hereby assigned to the first moon of Octega Prime, on the border facing Ice Hellion space. You are now part of the solahma unit garrisoning that planet-moon."

"My Khan, I beg of you. Do not do this," appealed Wolf in earnest.

"And what if I do not relent?" asked Voltage, finally turning to face Wolf. "Will you then challenge me to a trial of refusal as well? If I do not do this, Wolf, the ultra-conservative hardliners in our clan will revolt against me, and the Dreaded Legion will be decimated from within."

Wolf hesitated a little and then said, "I have always been loyal to you, my Khan. So, I will not challenge you to a trial of refusal. I will obey your orders without question."

"Neg, Wolf. You are not loyal to me," replied Voltage. "Your first loyalty has always been to the Dreaded Legion, and if you think that you need to dispose of me, you would too."

"I... could never best you in combat, augmented or otherwise, my Khan," responded Wolf flatly.

"But you would try, nonetheless," said Voltage, while turning his back on Wolf once again.

A few more tensed-filled minutes passed before Voltage spoke again. "Your orders have been relayed to the Legion's outpost on the first moon of Octega Prime via HPG satellite link," said Voltage, "but due to 'unforeseeable circumstances', the outpost will not receive them."

Surprised by the revelation, Wolf's heart raced.

"You will also board the first outbound dropship to Octega Prime. You will then switch identities and become a technician of the scientist cast and then disembark secretly before the dropship takes off," continued Voltage.

"And the purpose to all this...?" asked Wolf.

"Be quiet and listen, Wolf," said Voltage a little annoyed. "You will then board a dropship that would take you to a jumpship headed for one of the Legion's small outposts bordering the Tukayyid truce-line. The Legion has begun establishing discrete trade relations with certain Inner Sphere merchants. You will seek passage on one of the merchant ships and cross over to the Inner Sphere, and you will make your way to the gladiator planet Solaris VII. There, you are to make contact with the Legion's covert operatives and begin your life as a gladiator. You will become a Solaris champion, after which you will make contact with Wolf's Dragoons and seek a battlefield commission with them."

"Forgive me, my Khan," Wolf interjected. "But are you not getting ahead of yourself a little on this? I mean, you want me to turn gladiator and become Solaris champion? What makes you think I can accomplish all that? The chances of that happening are incalculable. Who thought up this crazy idea of a long shot anyway? I cannot believe it was you and I certainly cannot believe that you would go along with it."

"Shut up, Wolf," Voltage ordered. "Do not for one instant think that you could lecture me on the matters of chance. You, for one, have gone against tremendous odds to achieve what you believe to be the higher goals of this clan. So, why can I not do the same? As for the 'fool' who thought up the idea, you have Star Captain Darkstalker to thank."

"Darkstalker?" asked Wolf incredulously.

"What is the matter, Wolf? Are you shocked that we have become - what was that Inner Sphere term you used? Ahh! Yes - as Machiavellian as you?" Voltage asked, his voice dripping with malevolence. "You should be glad to have made Darkstalker and I converts of your ends-justify-means creed."

Wolf, who was visibly angered by Voltage's crude remarks, said, "Permission to speak freely, my Khan."

"Permission denied," replied Voltage. "I have no time to argue with you on this, Wolf. The Dreaded Legion is running out of time. We cannot remain in clan space for very long if we are to continue existing as the Dreaded Legion. Our clan is weak and may not win another trial of absorption. And if a crazy long-shot is all that I have, then I willingly take it."

After a long pause, Voltage continued. "Things might have been different if saKhan Natalie and her Avengers were not decimated by the Ice Hellions in our last trial of absorption. She and her fellow Avengers gave their lives so that the Dreaded Legion could continue to exist. And I will not betray their memory by not doing all that is within my means to ensure that the Dreaded Legion prevails."

After another long pause, Voltage turned away from the window to face Wolf. With a cold stare, Voltage said, "You will become Solaris champion because our fate depends on it, and you will obtain a commission with Wolf's Dragoons. They are looking for able MechWarriors who are not only highly skilled pilots but also highly skilled field commanders. And they would certainly have no objections regarding your battle doctrine, Wolf."

"A small question, if I may, my Khan," appealed Wolf.

When Voltage nodded his approval, Wolf continued, "Why Wolf's Dragoons? Why not the Kell Hounds? It is not exactly a secret that its intelligence operatives have conveyed Morgan Kell's offer of safecon for our clan and a few other Warden clans to make the hegira to Lyrian Alliance space."

"Aff, but the offer was meant to create discord and confusion among Warden clans, and make Crusader clans suspicious of us, which is why I do not trust Morgan Kell." Voltage explained. "And I certainly do not trust his son Phellan Kell of the Clan Wolf in Exile. There has been too much bad blood between our clan and the Wolf clan. Just because Phellan is no longer part of the Wolf clan, it does not mean that the slate has been wiped clean. Besides, do you think that Morgan Kell would be stupid enough to let a mole obtain a commission in his mercenary group if he is up to no good? No, you will seek out the Wolf's Dragoons and obtain a commission that would allow you to set up your own mercenary unit under the Wolf's Dragoons group. When the Dreaded Legion has made the hegira, your unit will lend support to us."

"That way, we will not be at the complete mercy of anyone treacherous enough to betray us," continued Wolf.

"Finally, you are getting the big picture," remarked Voltage.

"It is decided then, the hegira?" Wolf asked, bordering on disbelief.

"Obviously," Voltage replied sarcastically. "Why? Does it come as a surprise to you?" Voltage asked cynically.

With a thin smile, Wolf countered, "It is a long-shot and a crazy one at that."

"Nonetheless, you are thrilled by it, quiaff?" asked Voltage.

Wolf's smile broadened. "Aff, my Khan. With a little good fortune, we might just pull it off," said Wolf.

"Leave now and prepare for your long quest," ordered Voltage. "And Wolf, wipe that grin off your face before leaving my chambers. Officially, you have nothing to be pleased about."

"Aff, my Khan. Wiped as ordered," said Wolf looking immediately sombre.

"Good hunting, Wolf," said Voltage.

"Good hunting, my Khan," replied Wolf in customary fashion.

Chapter 2: The long journey begins

Chapter 3: A question of faith

Chapter 4: Death comes on swift wings

Chapter 5: Lull Before the Storm

Chapter 6: The Crossing

Chapter 7: Rebirth

Chapter 8: The Gladiators

Chapter 9: Here be Pirates

Chapter 10: The Good Fight

Chapter 11: Price of Freedom

Chapter 12: Heart and Soul

Chapter 13: End Game